Review — LEARNING PEACE: Stories from My Time in Peace Corps Ethiopia by Krista Jolivette
Learning Peace: Stories from my Time in Peace Corps Ethiopia by Krista Jolivette (Ethiopia 2018-20) Self-published 316 pages August 2020 $4.99 (Kindle); $9.99 (Paperback) Reviewed by Janet Lee (Ethiopia 1974-76) • What Returned Peace Corps Volunteer has not answered that inevitable question upon their return, “What was it like? It must have been interesting.”? And then waited for the listeners’ eyes to glaze over as the Volunteer describes what may have been the most transformative experience of their lives. Interesting? How do you describe a bond that you have with a country and a people that will likely last a lifetime? How do you describe an experience that will affect your future relationships, job choices, lifestyle, and attitudes and beliefs? How do you say that you are not the person you were before? Krista Jolivette (Ethiopia 2018-20) provides a glimpse into her life as a Volunteer in the Tigray . . .
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Marian Haley Beil
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