Archive - April 6, 2020

RPCV evaluator writes: “The Rice Must Reach the People”

RPCV evaluator writes: “The Rice Must Reach the People”

    Robert G. (Mick) McGuire was a Volunteer teacher at Raishahi University, East Pakistan, and he was subsequently briefly an evaluator for the Peace Corps. He wrote this essay for the 1966 Peace Corps Volunteer, one article of 14 that focused on what the Peace Corps should become by 1976. • The Rice Must Reach the People by Robert G. McGuire III (Pakistan 1961-63) What will the Peace Corps be in 1976? The destiny of the Peace Corps is tied to the forces at work in the world. Therefore, to ensure our relevance to development, which is on of the major forces of our era, we must try year by year to maintain an acute sensitivity to the economic, political, and social forces in the developing nations. My own bias is that the Peace Corps must justify itself solely in terms of its contribution to the development of the . . .

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