HWS Installs Portraits Of Former Peace Corps Director Mark Gearan
This month, Hobart and William Smith unveiled new portraits of the Colleges’ longest serving president and his wife, Mary Herlihy Gearan. On Saturday, June 15, HWS hosted a reception to celebrate the installation of a photograph of President Emeritus Mark D. and Mary Herlihy Gearan L.H.D. ’17, P’21 in the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts, and of the official past President’s portrait in Coxe Hall. Nozomi Hilayama-Williams L.H.D. ’14 generously provided funding for the photograph. The joint photograph of the Gearans was taken by Louis Fabian Bachrach, a fourth generation photographer whose portraits have included President Ronald Reagan, President George H.W. Bush, Senator Edward Kennedy, Coretta Scott King, Bill Gates and Julia Child. Bachrach’s grandfather David, who had served as an assistant photographer during the Civil War for Harper’s Weekly, opened his first studio in 1868 in Baltimore. David’s son expanded the business, opening 48 studios across the country by . . .
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Well deserved, in my opinion. I had the opportunity to meet Mark Gearan during his PC days, and remember him…