Remarks in Bonn at the Signing of a Charter Establishing the German Peace Corps, 24 June 1963 – President Kennedy
The JFK Library is shut down,but its website remains operational. Many more Peace Corps items have been digitalized from the Kennedy years and can be read, heard or viewed. Among them is this gem: Kennedy speaking about the creation of the German Peace Corps. It is all the more powerful because it occurred during JFK’s trip to Europe at the height of the Cold War. Surrounded by displays of military machinery and flanked by armed soldiers, JFK spoke of Peace and how unarmed Volunteers might win it, not with bombs, but with helping hands. To listen to the audio, here is the link Kennedy’s tour of Europe, June 23 to July 2, 1963, is captured on film and available to view. Kennedy visited Germany, Ireland, Britain and Italy. The film records his “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech. No one knew that this was to be Kennedy’s farewell tour. The . . .
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