The Peace Corps: Stomping Out Malaria in Africa
[Acting Peace Corps Director Carrie Hessler-Radelet mentioned in her interview we posted earlier this week the types of partnership tha represents the future of Peace Corp. One of the best examples, she said, is the Peace Corps malaria program. She went onto say, “We have a malaria boot camp that’s been funded through a partnership with the President’s Malaria Initiative and various other NGOs like Malaria No More. The bootcamp brings staff and volunteers from all over Africa to participate in an intensive training. We use Skype to beam in some of the world’s leading experts in malaria from the [Center for Disease Control], the World Health Organization and PMI. It prepares our volunteers to deliver interventions in malaria in their communities that are proven through evidence to achieve greatest development impact.” Running this program is Chris Hedrick (Senegal 1988-90) who is now the country director for Peace Corps Senegal and the . . .
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I think that this is just great and is exactly what Peace Corps should be doing. But it does raise…