Archive - April 26, 2013

She wanted to join the Peace Corps, but got married instead.
A Writer Writes: The Path by Gigi Grover-York (India 1964-66)

She wanted to join the Peace Corps, but got married instead.

Tony Zurlo (Nigeria 1962-64) alerted me to this small piece of information. “The daughter of an emergency room doctor, Katie, as she was called, grew up in a Christian household in North Kingstown, R.I., graduated at the top of her class at her high school in 2007, and said in her yearbook she wanted to go into the Peace Corps. Instead she ended up married to Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Several sources carry the story: Several sources. is one. also People at,,20694041,00.html

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A Writer Writes: The Path by Gigi Grover-York (India 1964-66)

A Writer Writes THE PATH By Gigi Grover -York (India 1964-66) Despite the half century and the thousands of miles that separate my Oregon home from the Gundi ashram, I still retrace my way over the distant but familiar earthen path that led from the ashram to the train station at the village of Gundi, perched on the edge of the Kutch Desert in western India. That narrow raised track, no more than a meter wide and half a meter high, ran south from its tether at the broad wooden gate that breached the ashram’s thick whitewashed walls. I never thought much about who built the path.  It was a constant like the air and sky.  Surely someone maintained it but I never observed them.  It lay there when I came and had changed not at all upon my departure. The powder fine dust of the path had been deposited . . .

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