Talking with Rajeev Goyal (Nepal 2002-03) About his book The Springs of Namje
Talking with Rajeev Goyal (Nepal 2002-03) by John Coyne (Ethiopia 1962-64) When you arrived in Nepal, Rajeev, the Nepalese royal family had just been massacred, Maoists threatened national security, and, as you discovered, a caste system dominated the culture. How did these realities affect your Peace Corps tour? The Maoist war affected every element of life, including education. Bridges, roads, and electricity grids were being blown up all across the country pretty much from the moment we stepped off the plane. So on a physical level, you never quite felt secure. But there was also an ideological “war” taking shape about how the country should move forward, the role and limits of tradition and religion in social and political life. Teachers and students were not shielded from this debate, obviously. The royal massacre had created a political vacuum, which the Maoists were capitalizing on. Ordinary Nepalis felt squeezed between an . . .
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