Archive - October 17, 2011

Gallaudet University Museum puts a Deaf Slant on the Peace Corps 50th Anniversary
NYTIMES Article on Amazon's Authors

Gallaudet University Museum puts a Deaf Slant on the Peace Corps 50th Anniversary

A FEW MONTHS AGO, no one knew that a simple exhibition planned by Gallaudet University in Washington D.C.  to mark the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps and share the fact that deaf people have served as Peace Corps Volunteers would expand into a far more complex story. Norma Morán (Kenya 2000–03), senior adviser to the project explains: “We started out trying to reach as many deaf and hard of hearing people as possible who have served in the Peace Corps. We hoped that five or ten would respond with photos or objects, and never dreamed that a new archival collection of over 450 photographs would be built within a few months.” Morán is one of 59 known deaf Volunteers who have served with the Peace Corps since its founding. From that group, 36 Volunteers contributed photos, objects and stories. As the exhibition expanded, Gallaudet’s University Museum quickly moved it to . . .

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NYTIMES Article on Amazon's Authors

There is a front page story today (Monday, October 17, 2011) in The New York Times on the future of publishing. If you write you must read: “Amazon Signing Up Authors, Writing Publishers Out of Deal” The article goes onto say: “the landscape (publishing) is changing for the first time since Gutenberg invented the modern book nearly 600 years ago.” What has made the publishing world change ‘dramatically’ is the new Kindle Fire. Amazon can develop, promote and deliver their product, i.e. your book! Who needs a publisher acting as gate-keeper? In the article there are several great stories of what has happened to writers who walk away from traditional publishing and venture into the self-publishing and eBook world of the publishing future. Take a look.

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