Who is J. Larry Brown and why is the Peace Corps trying to shut him down, or so he thinks
Several weeks ago I was contacted by J. Larry Brown who had written a Peace Corps memoir and wanted to attend the Library of Congress Luncheon for Peace Corps writers. The book is published by Lucita Press and available through Amazon, as a paperback and eBook. It is entitled, Peasants Come Last: A Memoir of the Peace Corps at Fifty. The author was an early PCV (India) and an assistant director of the agency under Carter during the ACTION years, and later a Country Director in Uganda during Ron Tschetter years as Peace Corps Director. I checked Amazon and read this description of his book written by Earl Shorris, who is a contributing editor at Harper’s Magazine: “In the tradition of popular activist scholars like Carl Sagan and Stephen Jay Gould, J. Larry Brown has spent decades linking the findings of science to the realities of human existence. He gives us a candid look at what it means . . .
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Larry Brown
Dear Kirtimalini, Your lovely message has just reached me and I'm delighted to hear from you. I remember your father…