RPCV Chuck Ludlam Says "No" to Peace Corps Monument, Part I
[The world is falling apart, they are demonstrating on Wall Street and across the country, Greece is hanging on to its last Drachma, the Arab Spring has become the Financial Fall, and the great Steve Jobs has just died….Still, a few faithful RPCVs, God love them, are protesting and rallying against the Peace Corps as we celebrate this month our 50 years of service. N ow, here is that old curmudgeon, Chuck Ludlam, who makes me look like a passivist when it comes to criticizing the Peace Corps, taking on the agency and the NPCA about a possible Peace Corps Monument on the Mall in Washington, D.C. Now, I have been reading about a ‘Peace Corps Monument’ since Shriver days of old, so what gives? I guess the idea is still alive and kickin’, and Chuck is out to kill is before one stone is set in stone. Here is his testimony . . .
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A monument or anywhere else isn't a bad thing necessarily, but I would be happier if the Peace Corps and…