Archive - September 2011

Cynthia Morrison Phoel winner of Maria Thomas Fiction Award
Eric Lax is winner of the Paul Cowan Non-Fiction Award
Peace Corps Writers on BBC's Pick of the Week
RPCV found guilty on drug charges
Tony D'Souza novel picked by influential Gawker Guide
When all that mattered in life was your sneakers!
Cong. Mike Coffman (R-CO) vs Peace Corps
Review of Richard Lipez's (Ethiopia 1962-64) Red White Black and Blue

Cynthia Morrison Phoel winner of Maria Thomas Fiction Award

Cynthia Morrison Phoel (Bulgaria 1994–96) is the winner of the Maria Thomas Fiction Award for Cold Snap: Bulgaria Stories published in 2010 by Southern Methodist University Press. She  served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in a Bulgarian town not unlike the one in her stories. She holds degrees from Cornell University and the Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers. Her work has appeared in The Missouri Review, The Gettysburg Review, Harvard Review, and Cerise Press. She lives near Boston with her husband and their three children. In the review of Cold Snap in Booklist Donna Seaman wrote: “Phoel’s first collection of stories and a novella incisively dramatizes the interlocked lives of the beleaguered denizens of a Bulgarian town. Phoel spent time in Bulgaria as a Peace Corps volunteer, but one gets no sense of an outsider looking in. Instead, she fully inhabits the minds of her jittery characters as they grapple with various . . .

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Eric Lax is winner of the Paul Cowan Non-Fiction Award

Eric Lax(Micronesia 1966-68) is the winner of the 2010 Paul Cowan Non-Fiction Award for his book Faith, Interrupted: A Spiritual Journey published by Alfred A. Knopf in 2010. Lax, who was born in British Columbia and grew up in San Diego, is a graduate of  Hobart College and served in Truk (now Chuuk), Eastern Caroline Islands, Micronesia. In 1968-69 he was a Peace Corps Fellow, and later held several posts in Peace Corps/Washington Headquarters. He is the author of eight books. Other recent books include Conversations with Woody Allen: His Films, the Movies, and Moviemaking, and The Mold In Dr. Florey’s Coat: The Making of the Penicillin Miracle (a Los Angeles Times Best Book of 2004). Others include the international best seller Woody Allen: A Biography and Life and Death on 10 West (both New York Times Notable Books). His books have been translated into 18 languages. His articles have appeared in many publications, including The . . .

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RPCV found guilty on drug charges

Posted: Friday, September 02, 2011 – By Tico Times Nicaragua locks up U.S. citizen on narco charges. But his friends and family keep asking: Where’s the evidence? A Nicaraguan court on Monday convicted former U.S. Peace Corps volunteer and RE/MAX real estate franchise owner Jason Puracal, 34, of drug trafficking, money laundering and organized crime. He could face up to 30 years in prison in a trial that has been highly questioned by family members, local media and other observers. Puracal, a native of Washington State, in the U.S., was among 11 people arrested Nov. 11 on drug conspiracy charges (TT, Dec. 17, 2010). Puracal maintains his innocence and said he doesn’t know any of the Nicaraguan suspects in the case. Prosecutors alleged he was involved in “national and international transactions using a great amount of money without justification to buy and sell property, especially in the departments of Rivas . . .

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Tony D'Souza novel picked by influential Gawker Guide

The Gawker Guide to Fall Books has selected Mule: A Novel of Moving Weight by Tony D’Souza (Ivory Coast 2000-02; Madagascar 2002-03)  as one of their top fall books. The book is being published this month. Gawker writes: What It Is: The recession leads a young California couple with a baby on the way to turn to cross-country marijuana-running in order to make some quick cash. On the trip from Cali to Florida (which has a marijuana shortage?) a kidnapping, a shootout, and other business risks occur. Themes: America is broken, danger, risk, “zeitgeist-capturing.” Should You Bother?: Yes, because this book shows how “respectable” people can and do turn to crime in times of desperation. Buy it for your relative who blames drug dealing on the Poors.

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When all that mattered in life was your sneakers!

If you didn’t see The New York Times Sunday issue (September 4,2011) there is a short piece in the Style Section on Steven Tiller, a founder of SeaVees sneakers. Well, it seems that Stevie was driving to work in Southern California recently and heard on NPR that the Peace Corps was turning 50. So, Steve and his business partner, Derek Galkin, began to look through old photos of Peace Corps Volunteers to see What Was On Their Feet! What was on their feet were narrow plimsolls, a canvas and rubber sneaker…we all wore them in the ’60s. So, Steve said, “The idea was to go back in time, re-imagine these shoes, and hopefully make them cooler.” The result is a sneaker, in salt-washed canvas, that has a contrasting suede stripe around its rims and a vintage look. Steve says that a donation will be made to the Peace Corps for each . . .

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Cong. Mike Coffman (R-CO) vs Peace Corps

John is away from his computer for a couple of days but I didn’t want you to miss this article at (Thanks to Tom Gallagher – another Ethie 1 –  for the “heads up.” — Marian PS – They have changed the link so go to that site and search for “peace corps”

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Review of Richard Lipez's (Ethiopia 1962-64) Red White Black and Blue

Red White Black and Blue (A Donald Strachey Mystery) by Richard Stevenson (i.e. Richard Lipez (Ethiopia 1962–64) Albion, NY: MLR Press $14.99 (paperback) 236 pages June 2011 Reviewed by  Don Messerschmidt (Nepal 1963–65) CREATE A PLOT focused around an upcoming state election, party politics and brinksmanship including some convoluted candidate-must-win-at-all-costs skullduggery, toss in a highly motivated gay P.I. who is not averse to taking risks to life and limb, place it all in the hands of a skilled novelist, and what you get is very readable, fast paced detective story with overtones of social consciousness and contemporary political gamesmanship complete with Tea Party operatives and a lot of New York state politics (some of it invented, with apologies from the author). Donald Strachey is a private investigator in the employ of a Democratic operative bent on getting the goods on his Tea-Party-supported Republican opponent. The choice of Strachey for the job . . .

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