Archive - August 18, 2011

Review of Peter Bourque's Tarnished Ivory

Review of Peter Bourque's Tarnished Ivory

Tarnished Ivory: Reflections on Peace Corps and Beyond by Peter Bourque (Ivory Coast (1973–75) Xlibris 224 pages $19.99 2011 Reviewed by P. David Searles (PC staff/Philippines CD 1971–74; PC Dep Dir 1974–76) TARNISHED IVORY REALLY HAS TWO AUTHORS — one is twenty-something-year-old Peter Bourque, who provides the main text, and the other is sixty-year-old Peter Bourque, who provides editing and commentary. That would be a more accurate description of who wrote what in this fascinating look at Peace Corps service in Ivory Coast in the 1970s.  During his service in Ivory Coast Bourque kept a journal and a diary and also wrote “hundreds of pages” (his count) to friends and family in the U.S., especially to a “significant other” back at the University of Michigan. Thirty-five years later the now older, more mature, and wiser Bourque has edited this material, made interesting and revealing comments on it, and provided some . . .

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