Archive - July 25, 2011

Researching RPCVs For An Academic Study

Researching RPCVs For An Academic Study

[I received this special academic request for help from Nan Cowardin-Lee in California. Take a look, and see if you have time to help her in her research.  Nan is located in Berkeley, attending the university’s branch in San Franciso. ] My name is Nan Cowardin-Lee. I am a PhD student at Alliant International University in organizational psychology. I am conducting research on value and moral challenges experienced by individuals who have lived or studied abroad for more than 6 months. The research has a generational comparison component. Therefore, I am interested in obtaining information from individuals of all generations, and, in particular, I would appreciate hearing from individuals born before 1946. The research data is collected in two parts. In the first part, an on-line survey asks participants to report on a general or specific incident that challenged them while living in a culture that was not their own. A series . . .

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