Review of James Stewart's history of his Peace Corps years in the Philippines
Ask What You Can Do: Our Days in the Early Peace Corps by James C. Stewart (Philippines 1962–64) Create Space $24.95 672 pages 2011 Reviewed by Maureen Carroll (Philippines 1961–63) THE 50th ANNIVERSARY OF THE PEACE CORPS seems to have brought out the secret memoirist in all of us. Jim Stewart was one of the 600 to 700 Volunteers who arrived in the Philippines during the first two years of the program — the largest in the world at that time. Stewart was in Group IV, arriving in the Philippines in June of 1962, on the heels of Groups I, II and III which had begun arriving in October of 1961, each group trained in sequence at Penn State University. The groups kept on coming every few months despite the fact that the job of “elementary school aide” had turned out to be a “non-job,” a term used by first . . .
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