Remembering Sarge Shriver from Debre Markos, Ethiopia
[I got this email the other night from Jon Ebeling. Jon and I served together in Ethiopia (1962-64) and Jon wanted me to post it, as being an academic type, trying to post something on this blog is a little too complex for him. However, since I still owe Jon a few beers from the old days in Addis, I am including his great story about Sarge. As for Jon, well, after our tour in Ethiopia, Jon finished his Ph.D. at the University of Pittsburg, and later returned to Ethiopia as an APCD. He taught Political Science at California State University Chico until he retired a few years ago, and now he writes and publishes articles and books in his field of political science. Here is Jon’s story of meeting Sarge in a remote southern town in Ethiopia where he taught as a PCV.] “During the Cuban missile crisis in October of 1962, I was . . .
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Leo Cecchini
I recall the 1965 event. I was entering the Foreign Service and the State Department where the event took place…