Archive - November 25, 2018

Review–Everywhere Stories Edited by Clifford Garstang (South Korea)

Review–Everywhere Stories Edited by Clifford Garstang (South Korea)

Everywhere Stories: Short Fiction from a Small Planet, Volume III Edited by Clifford Garstang (South Korea 1976-77) Press 53 Publisher October 2018 196 pages $19.95 (paperback)   Reviewed by Peter Van Deekle (Iran, 1968-70) During my Peace Corps in-country training I always remember that one of my expatriate guides distinguished between visiting (short-term travel) and living (extended immersion including residency and employment) in a foreign culture.  Despite what some erroneously called a “junket,” Peace Corps service represented an intensive cultural immersion that travel could not provide. Much of the short fiction in Volume III of  Everywhere Stories, edited by Clifford Garstang, is informed by that intensive immersion that only living in a society can supply.  This collection’s short story authors individually reflect that unique awareness particular to each tradition and circumstance associated with a country. The short fiction in Volume III is organized by five major geographic regions and countries within . . .

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