Winners of the 2021 Peace Corps Writers Book Awards

Milly Taylor
Winner of the 2021 Peace Corps Writer of the Year Award
For her entire body of work
Mildred D. Taylor (Ethiopia 1965-67)
Winner of the 2021 Peace Corps Writers Maria Thomas Fiction Award
Streets of Golfito: A Novel
by Jim LaBate (Costa Rica 1973-75)

Peter Reid
Winner of the 2021 Peace Corps Writers Paul Cowan Non- fiction Award
Every Hill A Burial Place: The Peace Corps Murder Trial in East Africa
by Peter H. Reid (Tanzania 1964–66)
Winner of the 2021 Peace Corps Writers’ Moritz Thomsen Peace Corps Experience Award
Between Inca Walls: A Peace Corps Memoir
by Evelyn Kohl La Torre (Peru 1964-66)

Rich Wandschneider
Winner of the 2021 Peace Corps Writers’ Marian Haley Beil Best Book Review Award
Rich Wandschneider (Turkey 1965-67) for
review of An Indian Among Los Indigenas by Ursula Pike

Richard Briskin
Winner of the 2021 Peace Corps Writers’ Rowland Scherman Award for Best Photography Book
The Face of Iran Before . . .
by Dennis Briskin (Iran 1967-69)

Susan Greisen
Winner of the 2021 Peace Corps Writers’ Best Peace Corps Memoir
In Search of Pink Flamingos: A Woman’s Quest for Forgiveness and Unconditional Love
by Susan E. Greisen (Liberia 1971-73); Tonga 1973-74)

Ed Huband
Winner of the 2021 Peace Corps Writers’ Poetry Award
In the Coral Reef of the Market
by Earl Carlton Huband (Oman 1975–78)

Joseph Monninger
Winner of the 2021 Peace Corps Writers’ Best Short Story Collection Award
A Cup of Stars
by Joseph Monninger (Burkina Faso 1975-77)

Josh Swiller
Winner of the 2021 Peace Corps Writers’ Best Young Adult Fiction Award
Bright Shining World
by Josh Swiller (Zambia 1994-96)

James Clouti

Dorothy Brown Soper
Winners of the 2021 Peace Corps Writers’ Best Children’s Book about a Peace Corps Country Award
We Are Akan: Our People and Our Kingdom in the Rainforest
by Dorothy Brown Soper (Ghana 1962-65), and illustrated by James Cloutier (Kenya 1962-66)
Winner of the 2021 Peace Corps Writers Special Book Award
Owls of the Eastern Ice: A Quest to Find and Save the World’s Largest Owl
by Jonathan Slaght (Russia 1990-02)
Congratulations All!
Note: The Peace Corps Writers Travel Book Award was not given in 2021.
Volunteer Staff:
Publisher: Marian Haley Beil (Ethiopia 1962-64)
Editor: John Coyne (Ethiopia 1962-64)
Peace Corps Historian: Joanne Roll (Colombia 1963-65)
Book Reviewer: Dean W. Jefferson (El Salvador 1974-76); Costa Rico (1976-77)
What a wonderfully creative manner in which to portray Peace Corps Writers over the past decade from a publication range of novels to fiction, and from book reviews to memoirs, etc. Even though there have been no Volunteers in the field over the past 20 months or so, these publications proved once again that the concept inherent in Peace Corps remained alive and functioning in the public square, a vivid expression of timeless values.
Thank you, John!
Congratulations to this year’s award winners, in surmounting the ongoing emotional, political, and health challenges and writing distractions in order to author great books.
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