
Author ‘pays it forward’ with new book

Author ‘pays it forward’ with new book

Excerpted from the Salisbury Post (North Carolina). Published Thursday, October 10, 2024. By Karen Kistler   When she heard the words cancer, Travis Brady (China 1994) said her reaction was utter disbelief. Now, in remission and eight years out, she has written a book entitled “Make Room for Healing: 40 Tips from a Breast Cancer Survivor,” which she said is a way to pay it forward. “The book is not a memoir,” Brady said. “It’s really about the tips and tricks and things that helped me get through treatment because I knew I wanted to pay forward a way to make going through breast cancer treatment easier for people that we love. That’s really my mission.” Raised in Salisbury and serving as vice president of HR for Hedrick Industries, Brady, along with her husband, David Grose and three-year-old daughter Grier, who now live in Chapel Hill, were living in Northern . . .

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