Partnership between Kraft Foods,aka Mondelez, and Peace Corps Revisited

As part of its major reorganization, Peace Corps has entered into an unique partnership with Kraft Foods’ Mondelez. To read the Memorandum of Understanding, here is the text to link to:

The Memorandum of Understanding between the Peace Corps and Kraft Foods includes the requirement that each joint activity undertaken in accord with the agreement be described.  From the MOU:

Activity Descriptions will include, at minimum:

(1) a description of the activity and objectives;

(2) performance indicators and expected results, as appropriate;

(3) a proposed timeline;

(4) the amount of funding, as appropriate, that Kraft Foods agrees to transfer to the Peace Corps to support the activity described in the Activity Description;

(5) a budget describing the  proposed use of those funds;

(6) reporting requirements, in accordance with applicable law, regulations, and Peace Corps policies;

and (7) designation of project managers from the appropriate Peace Corps and Kraft Foods offices.

I made a Freedom of Information request to obtain these Activity Descriptions. The description report had to be reviewed and its release approved by both Mendelez and Peace Corps. It took four months for all the vetting to occur. I finally received the report in an email attachment. Right now, I am unable to post a link to the record. However, it is a now public record and should be available from the Peace Corps Freedom of Information Office or FOIA. Here is the email address to copy and paste:      Request FOIA 13-230. The title of the report:

Activity Description: Peace  Corps – Dominican Republic and  Mondeldz International – Diversification of Cacao  Producing Economies

When the press release about this partnership between Peace Corps and Kraft Foods was published, I had many questions.  P. David Searles suggested that it would be important to reserve judgement until it was known what the actual activities would be. This description begins to answer that question.

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